So iv'e been working on a musicvideo for Gamblers Club a while now and im getting very close to finishing it :) here are som screenshots it was all made in Cinema 4D..
Thank you Greyscalegorilla for teaching so much stuff in Cinema!
Ive recently begin planning some projects with my friend Abraham from Twisted Feet and Bilda Hiphop so here is todays render all done in Cinema 4D with a touch of Photoshop..
So heres actually yesterdays post! i was waiting for an email of the screenprinted bag that a friend of work did and i got it today! I made the designs in Photoshop CS 5 and with a wacom tablet and the. emailed it to my friend "Henrik" who did the screenprinting part! It looks really good!
Im gonna put someting up for today aswell as a compensation..
Signing out.. MaganaDesign
So this is a photo of a machine that i work with occasionally during the days..
I thought it would be good to start this blog thing with something i see quite often on my day job and its called Fresco2.